Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Review: Schwarzkopf Fresh Light Foam Color Berry Ash

Hello pretties..!!!

I've finally had the time to do a review on this hair color since I was too lazy editing the pictures... There's a lot of them and I finally narrow them down. I bought this hair color at Guardian Ambarrukmo Plaza for about $9 (IDR 90.000) I guess?? I choose the Berry Ash color since the other two is blonde and red.

The package has a very cute doll as a cover, and it was pretty bulky I think. Before I decided to buy this one I've been thinking of pre-ordering other foam hair color like Liese or Palty but the waiting period is excruciating, luckily I saw this product being tweeted by Guardian. 

Based from the color chart, if I dyed my hair using this hair color it would be like the top color chart

There's a product instruction on the back in Japanese and Thai. I don't really know what it means but the pictures kinda explain itself though.

What's inside the box:
  1. Instruction Leaflet.
  2. Treatment.
  3. Hair Color.
  4. Developer.
  5. Gloves.
  6. Nozzle

To use this foam hair color you must mix the hair color into the developer bottle and be careful not to spill the hair color.You should also be careful with your nose and eyes if you're sensitive because the smell and the products vapor burns my eyes and nose. 

Put the nozzle into the bottle and twist it tightly and shake slowly and gently from left to right to ensure that the hair color and the developer are mixed well.

This is my previous hair color, it was very ugly and I hate this color. I color my hair before using foam color from Etude House, the one that I bought is Dark Brown but somehow the end result is more of a light brown color. Not too mention my hair get super dry and frizzy after I use the product. Super disappointed!!!

I've already have a bit of "halo" on top of my hair.

One bottle is enough for my entire hair although it is advised that I use two bottle. I leave my hair for about 45 minute before I rinse them. The results are.....

Although I don't have a high expectation from this foam hair color since the last one was a disappointment this Fresh Light surprisingly give a good result!! The color comes out nice and even from top to bottom and the one that I love the most is this hair color do not dries my hair at all!! I mean.... I expect that after I was my hair it will feel dry, but it's not!! So kudos for Schwarzkopf Fresh Light Foam Color!!

My Likes:
- affordable.
- easy to get.
- easy to use.
- great color and distributes evenly.
- do not dries my hair.

My Dislikes:
- none!!

I've already bought another color as a backup.

Have you try this foam hair color?
Do you like it?


  1. ahhh untung banget aku dpet reviewnya dirimu mbak :D lagi nyari itu emang :) thanks ya :D

  2. He he... pas yah?? Aku malah udah beli 2 warna lain mumpung promo di Guardian

  3. Sabrina TedjokusumaJanuary 2, 2013 at 4:09 PM

    Yippi~ bagus banget kak sekar warnanyooo <3

  4. iya, aku juga suka banget sama warnanya. Nanti bbrp bulan lagi mau coba warna lain.

  5. thx reviewnya kak sekar.. kyknya warnanya lumayan merata dan ga bikin kering ya? >.< must try nih hehe

  6. warnanya lumayan rata kok, kalo rambutku lebih panjang lagi mungkin bakal butuh 2 box. Tadinya kupikir bakal kering ternyata enggak tuh. Penasaran sama warna lain.

  7. kmrn sempet liat di guardian, pgn nyoba tp liat review duluu deh...sepertinya oke ya^^

  8. ah aku barusan ajaaaaa ngewarnain pake ini. overall suka banget ama proses pewarnaannya, packagingnya, and almost no cons at all (except a bit pricey ya bought for 109.900 in the same shop you bought) but then agak terkejut aja ama hasil akhirnya karena keterangannya berry ash, but the result was not ash color at all, not even dark color! waaay too light for meeh :))

    ps. say, you might want to have some lists of the store that sells this good stuff in Jogja. Hero (Malioboro), (Most) Guardians and Food Mart (Galeria)

    1. thank u buat infonya ntar aku update di post ya. Ehh?? baru tau juga aku ada di Food Mart.

  9. Ka! Suka review nya! Aku juga mau beli nih tapi masih bingung mau warna apa. Waktu itu aku beli nya bukan yg foam. Tau kan? Dia ada 2 versi gt di guardian. Huhu
    Anyway mampir yuk ke blog ku :p

    1. Iya ada 2 versi memang yang cream sama yang foam. Aku hampir salah beli juga awalnya tuh. Warnanya sebetulnya banyak, cuma yang ada di guardian hanya tersedia sedikit. Ini aku mau coba ganti warna ke Melty Cherry ^^

  10. itu tahan berapa lama ya? ^ ^ aku udah baca banyak review ada yg kasi saran biar warna nya lebih jelas,proses nya nunggu di bkin lebi lama dr yg di anjurkan.. apa bener? ^ ^

    1. Di rambutku 3 bulan masih bagus tapi karena bosan aku ganti warna lain. Klo soal warna lebih jelasnya kurang tahu deh. Rambutku lumayan nurut soalnya.

  11. good review! aku mau nyoba yg champagne pink. tapi rambut jadi kering ga ya? never dyed my hair before so i need this kinda information :) thanks

    1. Dari beberapa merk yang aku coba sih si Schwarzkopf ini yang enggak bikin kering rambut. Jangan lupa treatment tapi.


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