Thursday, August 23, 2012

Clover Tool Kanzashi Flower Template Orchid Petal

Here's another clover that I manage to get my mom to buy for me. It's called Kanzashi Flower Template, I bought the OrchidPetal kind in small size. It comes in two sizes small and large, and like the others it's in a plastic package.

It has a shape of a disc and it is use to make one petal of the flower, to make it just put the fabric with wrong side facing you and fold the flower template until you hear a click sound. When it folds the wrong side should be on the inside and you trim the fabric.

The instruction are clear with a step-by-step in several languages and pictures that are easy to follow. You can make the flower petals as many as you like in one flower.

If you like to buy one, you can pre order it here.

Below is the video instruction.

Add me on your list too ^^


  1. mba dapat alatx bisa di mana??? pengenn

    1. Bisa pesen di aku he he he
      Mampir ke Pernak Pernik Sekar di

  2. ak jg mw mba..cara pesen'a gmn y??


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