Monday, December 2, 2013

Schwarzkopf Freshlight Foam Color in Caramel Brown

I was kinda bored with my old hair color so I change it again and this time I use Schwarzkopf Freshlight Foam Color in Caramel Brown. I bought this one months ago because there's a Buy 1 Get 1 Free at Guardian. My hair is getting longer so I hope one bottle is enough.

Isn't Blythe cute!! I wish my hair is nice and shiny like that.

 The instructions on the back is in Thai and Japanese but the pictures are quite self explanatory.

Based on the color chart my hair is suppose to look like the middle picture but it usually ended up like the bottom picture.

One set includes instruction guide, hair treatment, color, developer, pump and gloves.

Apparently one bottle is not enough for my hair so I'm gonna buy another one next time.

I bleached 1/4 part of my hair to because I'm not really confident with an ombre look on the bottom part of my hair. I only leave it for 20 minutes and it already turns blonde, can you imagine how it would look if I leave it on for 40 minutes like the instruction said?

This is the bleached part of my hair looks like.

See?? It looks like the bottom picture on the color chart right? So far Scwarzkopf Fresh Light is my favorite drugstore hair color because it doesn't dries my hair and gives a pretty color on my hair. I wish the foam kind had more color though.

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  1. Cooool!
    Ak belm berani warnain rambut T_T
    takut gabs rawat :|

    1. Si schwazkopf ini gag bikin kering kok.
      Perawatan paling pake serum sama maskeran sendiri aja say

  2. wow warna masuk bnget ya ini, baguss , tp bner nih ga bkin rmbut kring? soalnya bca dbbrpa rview ada yg bkin kring, sblmnya uda coba liese, emg ga bkin kring drmbut tp bauu nya ga nahaan, nyengat bngeett, ga kuuaatt. klo ini nyengat bnget ga bau nya?

    1. Sejauh pengalamanku nyobain macam2 warna sih rasanya enggak lebih kering dari kondisi rambut awal say. Yang ini baunya gag begitu menyengat tapi awal2nya rada pedih sedikit matanya.

  3. Me likey <3 u look gorgeous! Tres Bien Ma-ami <3


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