Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Skin Care and Make-Up Shelf

Happy Sunday fellas...!!

One of my reader asks me to post about my dressing table, but since I live in a boarding house and don't have a dressing table I'm gonna post about my skin care and make-up shelf. I don't have any method or anything in organizing this shelf just putting the one that I use the most where it's easier to reach and put the stock pile in the bottom shelf.

The first shelf is where I put my glasses, jewelry and eye shadow and blusher case.

I bought this jewelry stands to put my bracelet, bangles and watches, but since the middle one is hard to reach I ended only using the accessories that's in the end part of the jewelry stands.

This cute transparent bag is where I put all of my blusher and single eye shadow, it's transparent so I don't have to dig the bag he he he.

The second shelf is where I put my bb cream, primer, make-up base, sunblock, acne lotion, powder, lipstick, lip gloss... in short my usual make-up stuff. Ohh I also put my softlenses in the strawberry tin box.

I put my bb cream, sunblock, foundie, and hair clip in this box.

I put the loose powder, two way cake, and facial cotton in the middle because it's easier to reach.

In the right part I put my mascara, lipstick and anything with a tube or small bottle packaging in these transparent box. I've been thinking of wrapping them up in a cute fabric when they get ugly.

The third shelf is where I put my perfume, body mist, hair product, softlens solution and small make-up brush case.

I put my perfume, body mist, and hair care products in this box.

There are some mask, cotton bud, and night cream from my dermatologist.

I put mostly random stuff in this box like nail polish remover, softlens solution, baby oil, diy mask sheet and other stuff.

The forth shelf is where I put my skin care, body care, and feminine stuff. I also put my sample stock pile in the small make-up purse.

I put my toner, essence, emulsion, serum, make-up remover, body lotion, hair tonic, and sample in this box.

The fifth shelf is where I put my stock pile of facial cotton, soap, body lotion, cleansing oil, mask, body butter and other stuff that I've been stocking up.

So that's about it on my skin care and make-up shelf. 

Do you have special place where you put your make-up and skin care?
How do you organize them?

Thank's for coming by... 
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Hugs N' Kisses!!


  1. Wuaaaa rapinya.... Beda sm aku yg super maless :(, aku mskin smua ke makeup box :) hihi

  2. banyak bangettt :o >.<
    iya rapi banget naruhnya, kalau aku asal tumpuk jadi 1.. haha

  3. tadinya males juga, ini kalau mamaku mampir ke Jogja pasti diomelin karena isinya nambah terus hehehe

  4. berhubung ngekost jadi tempatnya musti diatur pinter-pinter, walau kadang suka berantakan juga sih.

  5. rapi nyaa.. >_<
    aku cuma di first self yg rapi, krna isinya juga dikit cuma yang dipake sehari-hari, itupun rapinya bentar, pagi kalau g keburu beresin langusng cus pergi, haha :p
    2nd sama 3rd random banget cuma tak jadiin satu di boks, duh -_-"
    I think I need to organize my stuff..

  6. Cool.. aku di rumah juga ga punya meja rias, so basically aku cuma taro kosmetik2ku di laci2 plastik..
    well.. sekilas liat memang rapi.. tapi stelah bbrp lama, jadi berantakan kacau balau gara2 aku sering terburu2 T^T

    maybe I have to add more baskets like yours supaya punyaku lebih terorganisir.. hihi..
    thanks for this inspiring post! <3


  7. klo udah mepet juga males beresin langsung cuss pergi hi hi hi

  8. iya pake keranjang2 jadi lebih enak, klo misalnya kesenggol gag berantakan kemana2. Sebetulnnya lebih bagus lg kalo sama warna semuanya tapi dulu belinya nyicil.

  9. tertatata rapi ya hana....
    klo aq semuanya numpuk di tas , karna belum punya raknyaa,,,,heeheheh

  10. Banyaknya kosmetikmu padahal ditempat kost yak >.< Kalo sampai aku ketawan mamaku kebanyakan makeup waktu SIDAk ke kost-an bisa kena omel nih hahaha...

  11. raknya juga beli murmer nih, kyknya dulu nawar 50rb dapet 2 tapi satu lg yg 3 susun

  12. mwahahaha... psssttt.... kalo mamaku dateng juga ngumpet kosmetiknya.

  13. waaah rapih banget. aku kalo rapih kaya gini cuma bertahan satu minggu. setelah itu berantakan lagi biasanya :)

  14. klo ada tempat2ny g berantakan sis, karena gag saling senggol2an kemasannya #halah

  15. ngerapihinnya lama, tadinya raknya campur aduk tapi akhirnya berhasil he he

  16. U r organized! I am totally not hahaha i have makeup in every corner of my room. Lol

  17. Well I live in boarding house so I have limited space for keeping my stuff. At my home I also got bits and pieces everywhere. #LOL

  18. Nita Desilia TannawiNovember 13, 2012 at 5:24 PM

    OMG dearrr yours look super organized!! O__O *slap myself lol mine is urrrgh.

  19. it took a long time to arrange them too...

  20. wow byk tp rapiii salut >_<
    punya q sedikit tp berantakan hahaha
    iya klo ngekost emg kudu dtata yah apalagi klo ada sekamar berdua, klo g rapi bs kena omel tmn sekamar :P

  21. murahh bgt yaa,,,
    jadi pengen,,,nabung duluuu...

  22. betulll... untungnya aku sendiri.

  23. klo di jogja di daerah kampus pasti byk yg jual

  24. uwaaa jadi iri cee ><
    rapi bgt ya kalo mw ambil jdi enak
    cce kan kgk ada ade yg masih kecil kalo ada habiss dimaenin kyk aku -_-


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