Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tutorial: Crochet Tube Bangle


As I promise in the post before I'm gonna make two post updates for beauty and craft and so in this post I'm gonna make a tutorial on how to make this easy crochet tube bangle. Here's what I use:
- steel crochet hook #4
- local cotton yarn
- tapestry needle

Do a magic circle and make 6 hdc inside the ring. You can make more hdc depends on the yarn thickness.

After you finished making 6 hdc, pull the yarn until it closes and become a circle like the way you make the beginning of amigurumi.

Continue with hdc on the first hdc without closing off and hdc around until it becomes tube-like.

See? It becomes tube-like isn't it?

Continue until you reach a desirable length.

Fasten of when you reach desirable length and leave a long tail to sew.

Sew the yarn on the other side of the tube and fasten off.

TARAA!! You're crochet tube bangle is done!!

I made several of these to put on my online shop ^^. You can make it longer, bigger, or smaller for purse handle, brooch, necklace, pendant or anything you like!!

My Shop Pernak Pernik Sekar ^^


  1. wah enak banget ya klo pnya ktrampilan kyk gitu... aku cuma bs bkin krajinan dr kain flanel... hehe... btw, i really love ur DIY! ^^

    1. Awalnya aku juga gag bs crochet kok, tapi lama2 ketagihan he he he...

      Thank U (^*^)

  2. pernah dulu belajar bikin ginian tapi akhirnya nyerah karena ga berhasil hihihi. senang kayaknya kalau bisa bikin ini :D


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