Sunday, December 21, 2014

Recipe: Spicy Fried Rice with Dory and Scrambled Eggs

I love making fried rice... It's convenient and suitable for any time of the day!! But...... I'm too lazy to make my own seasoning for so I'm always looking for easy store bought fried rice seasoning out there. So... This particular recipe is made using "Sasa Larasa Bumbu Nasi Goreng Ayam Spesial". Here's what it looks like.....

You can buy it at local supermarkets like Carrefour, Superindo, Hypermart, etc etc... It's super easy to make too!! Just heat some oil, add extra ingredients like meatballs, sausage or anything else you prefer, add rice and the seasing. Mix all of it and Voila!! Have a fail-proof delicious fried rice!!

1 Egg (beaten)
1/2 Onions (dice)
6 Thai Chilli (dice) ~ Skip if you hate spicy
3 Garlic (dice)
100 gr John Dory Fillet (cut in small pieces)
300 gr Rice

1 sachet of Sasa Larasa Bumbu Nasi Goreng Ayam Spesial

How to Cook:
Heat oil and add Garlic, Onion, Thai Chilli, Dory Fillet and stir until the Dory is cooked.

Add the beaten egg and stir.

Add the rice and mix with the seasoning until they blends nicely.


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Recipe: Stir Fried Baby Clams with Spicy Gochujang Sauce

Like my first one? Then onto the second recipe!!

Baby Clams | Kerang Batik 
Rice Cakes | Tteok
Ginger | Jahe
1/2 Onion | 1/2 Bawang Bombay
Bird's Eye Chilli/Thai Chilli | Cabe Rawit
4 Garlic | 4 Bawang Putih
1 Finger Size Ginger | 1 ruas Jahe
 Water | Air

Pepper | Merica
  Gochujang | Saus Cabai Korea
Honey | Madu
Chilli Sauce | Saus Sambal

How to Cook:
Heat oil and add diced garlic, onions, and chilli. | Panaskan minyak dan masukkan bawang putih, bawang bombay dan cabai yang sudah dicincang.

Add Baby Clams (around 100 gr) and Rice Cakes (about 5-6 sticks, cut in 2 or 3). | Masukkan Kerang Batik (sekitar 100gr) dan Tteok (sekitar 5-6 buah dan potong menjadi 2 atau 3 bagian).

Add about 2 tbsp Gochujang, 1 tbsp Chilli Sauce and 1 tsp Honey. | Tambahkan 2 sdm Gochujang, 1 sdm Saus Sambal dan 1 sdt Madu.

Add some water and stir until it blends nicely. Don't forget to taste and adjust the flavor. | Tambahkan sedikit air dan duk sampai tercampur sempurna. Jangan lupa dicicipi dan menyesuaikan rasanya.

Eat Up!! | Selamat Makan!!

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Recipe: Steamed Enoki and Egg Tofu with Boncabe

I haven't done a food post lately but don't worry!! If you miss my recipe I'm gonna make another two easy recipes today. The first one is Steamed Enoki and Egg Tofu.

Sudah lama ya saya tidak posting resep masakan. Tapi jangan khawatir!! Kalau kamu kangen dengan resep masakan saya, hari ini saya akan berbagi dua lagi resep masakan. Yang pertama adalah Jamur Enoki dan Tofu Telur Kukus dengan Boncabe.

1 pack of Enoki Mushrooms | 1 Bungkus Jamur Enoki
1 pack of Egg Tofu | 1 Bungkus Tofu Telur
2 Garlics | 2 Bawang Putih
Ginger | Jahe
Water | Air

Pepper | Merica
Shoyu | Kecap asin Jepang

How to Cook:
Cut the Enoki Mushroom roots and shred it. | Potong akar Enoki dan sobek-sobek.

Cut the Egg Tofu.| Potong tofu telur.

Dice the Garlics. | Cincang halus bawang putih.

Peel about 1 finger size of Ginger | Potong sekitar 1 ruas jari jahe.

Put all of the ingredients in a bow and seasons with a few drops of Shoyu, a pinch of pepper and about 1 tsp of Boncabe (Any flavors) ot you can add more Boncabe if you want it to be more spicy. I don't add any more salt because Boncabe is already salty and lastly pour about 100ml of water into the bowl. | Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam mangkok dan bumbui dengan beberapa tetes kecap asin Jepang, sejumput merica dan sekitar 1 sdt Boncabe (rasa apa saja) atau bila kamu suka pedas bisa menambahkan lebih banyak Boncabe. Saya tidak menambahkan garam karena Boncabe sudah asin dan yang terakhir masukkan sekitar 100ml air ke dalam mangkuk.

Put the bowl inside the steamer and steamed for about 10-12 minutes. | Masukkan mangkok ke dalam pengukus dan kukus selama 10-12 menit.

Enjoy | Selamat Menikmati
 Note: If you don't know what Boncabe is it's an abbreviation from Abon Cabe and basically it's like a floss made from Chilli. There are 4 variants on it and all of them tastes great and spicy.

Boncabe Ebi Kriuk Level 2

Boncabe Teri Level 3

Boncabe Original Level 10

Boncabe Original Level 15

See you on my next recipe!

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Haul: November 2014

Hi again...!!!

If you love Haul Post then this is my haul post for November 2014. I was pretty happy with the November Haul because I was able to cross another Wish List and also get quite a number of freebies too!!

The Police to be Woman EDP
I've been wanting this perfume since like forever but haven't got the chance to buy it yet but finally there's a nice discount on this baby so I jump right in!!

Review: Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner

Hello skin care mania.....!!

Today's review is about a product that has been getting a lot of rave and even has an improved version!! Yup... It's Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner!! I heard a lot of great things about this particular toner... But how does it fare on my skin??? Let's keep on reading fellas...

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Private Beauty Event with Misslyn

On the 29th November 2014 I attend a Private Beauty Event that was held by Misslyn Cosmetics in Matahari Beauty Lounge Tunjungan Plaza 3 Surabaya. If you're not familiar with this Brand before then you'll probably the same as me because in Surabaya the first Misslyn Counter is only at Matahari Dept Store Tunjungan Plaza and there's not many counter yet in Indonesia. 

About Misslyn Cosmetics

Misslyn Cosmetics has been in the business since 30 years ago in Italy, followed by successful expansion to France and Germany. The brand was able to position itself as a trendsetter for nail and lash products, particularly in Germany.Misslyn was acquired by the ARTDECO Cosmetic Group in late 2010, and completely re-launched: the existing eye and nail care segment was expanded and an innovative overall product range successfully introduced worldwide. In just two years' time, Misslyn proved itself a highly-promising cosmetic brand with a total of over 700 points of sale in Germany and successful development in over 30 countries. While the brand's success story is continuing in France with expansion of the points of sale to over 600 perfumeries and cosmetic studios, Misslyn has also become one of the most important brands in the entry-level price segment in many European countries including Austria and Switzerland. The brand is now represented in Slovenia and Croatia as well as in the Ukraine, and in over 200 stores in Poland.The successful breakthrough in the Near East in 2011 was followed by the entry into the Asian markets, with launch of the brand in China and Korea.

Brand Concept

Unlike typical Cosmetic Brand Misslyn's uses Seductive in their Brand Concept which is actually a concept that is mainly use for Perfume Brands. Their advertisements shows females and males models with seductive themes, style and poses.

Event Report: Discover Your Happy Skin With Bio Oil

Beberapa bulan yang lalu saya mendapat undangan dari Bio Oil untuk menghadiri acara Talk Show dan Exhibition mereka di Jakarta. Namun karena saya berdomisili di Surabaya maka undangan tersebut saya tolak, eh ternyata mereka juga akan mengadakan acara yang sama di Surabaya pada tanggal 29 November yang tentunya tidak akan saya lewatkan.

Pada awalnya acara tersebut akan diadakan pada jam 2 siang namun karena di jam yang sama ada juga event untuk para blogger maka acaranya dimajukan menjadi jam 11. He he he tumben banget nih ada 2 event di hari dan tempat yang sama.

Bio Oil mengusung kampanye "Hello, Happy Skin" dan untuk rangkaian road talkshow dan exhibition-nya memiliki tema "Discover Your Happy Skin". Seting panggung dan exhibition-nya tampak cantik dengan dominasi warna putih dan orange sesuai warna khas Bio Oil. Bio Oil sendiri sudah cukup lama saya dengar kehebatannya dan pada waktu itu produk ini belum tersedia dengan bebas di Indonesia. Untuk yang belum pernah mendengar tentang Bio Oil berikut saya bagi-bagi infonya yah....

Bio-Oil merupakan produk spesialis perawatan kulit yang membantu memperbaiki tampilan pada scars dan stretch marks. Diformulasikan oleh kimiawan Jerman bernama Dieter Beier di tahun 1987, Bio-Oil diproduksi Union Swiss di Afrika Selatan. Namun, seiring perkembangannya, bahan yang diformulasikan juga dapat digunakan untuk warna kulit yang tidak merata (uneven skin tone), penuaan (aging) dan kulit dehidrasi (dehydrated skin). Bio-Oil telah mendapatkan 191 penghargaan internasional dan telah menduduki peringkat pertama di 17 negara sebagai produk spesialis khusus untuk perawatan scars dan stretch mark sejak peluncurannya di pasar internasional di tahun 2002.

Wow banget ya? Terus apa sih yang membuat Bio Oil ini "WOW Banget"?
  • Bio-Oil merupakan campuran unik minyak dari ekstrak tumbuhan alami dan minyak esensi alami untuk membantu meregenerasi kulit bermasalah.
  • Bio-Oil mengandung bahan terobosan; PurCellin Oil™.
  • Ekstrak tumbuhan dan minyak esensial alami yaitu, Kalendula, Rosemary, Kamomil dan Lavender yang telah digunakan selama berabad-abad untuk menghaluskan, mencerahkan dan menyelaraskan kulit.
  • Bio-Oil dapat dengan cepat menyerap, membuat kulit tidak berminyak, dan sering disebut “dry oil”.
  • Bio-Oil telah terbukti berhasil memperbaiki tampilan kulit – ini terbukti dari uji klinis dan rekomendasi pribadi dari pengguna.
  • Bio-Oil digunakan untuk Scars; Membantu memperbaiki luka lama dan baru dan Strech Marks; Membantu mengurangi kemungkinan pembentukan stretch marks selama kehamilan, pertumbuhan hormonal remaja dan lonjakan berat badan yang cepat serta membantu memperbaiki tampilan stretch marks yang ada.
  • Bio-Oil juga dapat digunakan untuk membantu memperbaiki tampilan pada warna kulit yang tidak merata (uneven skin tone), penuaan (aging) dan kulit dehidrasi (dehydrated skin).