Sunday, November 20, 2011

Review: Geo Xtra Nudy Black, Miss Eye Princess Sakura Brown, and Princess Mint Green Contact Lens

Today I'm gonna review about 3 kinds of soft contact lens that I recently purchased, the soft lens are GEO Xtra Nudy Black, Princess Mint Green, and Miss Eye Princess Sakura Brown.

GEO Xtra Nudy Black
Geo is my favorite brand of circle lens, I've been using it for almost two years now. I used to buy the black circle 4mm lens but this Xtra Nudy in black caught my eye. It has 15mm in diameter which is bigger than I used to but since it'a Geo I'm sure it'll comfortable and my expectation is right. After wearing it for almost half a day my eyes stills feel comfortable and moist. The other contact lens sometimes irritates my eyes only after about two hours of wearing it.

If you wanted a big eye effect this contact lenses surely works its magic, with 15mm in diameter it'll certainly has a dolly effect and since it's a nudy series it has a shiny effect to your eyes, but if you want your eyes to look real black than maybe Geo Super Black Circle in 14.7mm diameter will suits you more.

Princess Mint Green
This is the latest cosmetic lens that comes into the market and I decided to try the mint series. The inspiration from this contact lens comes from the Power Puff Girl with their big eyes that has a monotone color circle. According to their ad this contact lens contains silicone hydrogel that makes the wearer feel comfortable for more than 12 hours!!

As it turns out it really does feels comfortable for more than 12 hours!! I've been wearing this contact lens from morning till evening and my eyes still comfortable, I don't even have to put some eye drop since it's still moist. What I really like about this contact lens is that the color really pops!! But if you want a more natural look to your eyes this maybe doesn't suit you. 

See how the color really shows!! This contact lens has 15mm in diameter and I got a soccer case as a bonus.

Miss Eye Princess Sakura
This is the third contact lens that I bough, I don't usually bought a lot but this time I had a shopping spree!! I just can't stand since this one is really cute!! This is the first contact lens I buy that has a flower motif in it, doesn't it make you curious too?? I wonder what a flower would look on my eye? This contact lens has the biggest diameter to, it's 17.8mm, when this contact lens arrive I almost had a buyers remorse since I'm not used too wear a contact lens this big. What if I look weird? What if it's not comfortable?

Okay, it really makes your eyes really really big, and thankfully it's comfortable and I don't look weird wearing it. I think the flower motif kinda look like batik, don't you??

This miss eye contact lens is also pretty comfortable, I've wear this for more than 6 hours and my eyes still feels fine and comfortable but I do have to use some eye drops once or twice and you can only notice the flower motif if you look at the closely. If you're interested you can buy it at Pernak Pernik Sekar

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Hugs N' Kisses!!


  1. geo yg xtra nudy black itu ama yg xck 1o5, mnurut cc mnigan yg mna? hehe xD

  2. @Cindy klo mau efek yang lebih gede bagusan XCK-105 tapi akusuka yg rada2 shiny gitu kyk xtra nudy... 22nya enak dipake kok. Klo soal kenyamanan aku vote GEO dibanding yg lain. Princess juga super nyaman tp harganya lebih mahal sih.. he he he

  3. geo xtra nudy black nya terkesan hitam pekat bgt ga sih sis? aku dulu pernah pke baby eyes x2 black jg, kesannya ky tatapan mata kosong saking pekatnya.

  4. nggak kok aku cukup suka kalo pake yg ini kesannya lucu gt, dolly eyes bgt.

  5. aku pengen banget nyoba yang nudy black itu , tapi kayaknya kalo kena matahari matanya jadi bling" gitu ya jadi bersinar" gitu ?
    masalahnya aku ga cocok sama softlens yang kalo kena matahari / diluar ruangan jadi bling"atau apalah , waktu itu aku beli lens diamond pink 15mm , dan akhirnya mataku pas dilluar ruangan , mataku malah kaya nangis wkwkkw .

    followed your blog ci :3

  6. Iya seri nudy kan yg bikin mata jadi bling-bling gitu. Kalau mau lensa hitam lain ada yg geo hyperblack ato softlens hitam dr Diva ato Princess itu kyknya enggak bling-bling deh


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