Friday, July 26, 2013

FOTD Bukber Sama Mama

ヾ( ❀◕◡◕ฺฺ )ノ【*Η*Ε*Ļ*О*О*】ヽ(◕◡◕❀ฺ )ノ\

Hari ini si Mama ngajakin aku buka puasa bersama teman-teman IIDI dia. Berhubung aku sendiri, gundah gulana dan galau sendirian tanpa kerjaan di Jember akhirnya ikutlah aku and this is how I look for today ^^

Tutorial: DIY Ombre Shorts

Got a few of unused jeans?? Why not turn them into a new pair of shorts!! But just cutting the jeans into a regular ole pair of shorts would be boring right?? So here's a tutorial on how to change your unused jeans into an ombre shorts. Why buy it if you can make it right??

So after I come home and cleaning my closet I found a lot of unused jeans. I have several ideas on how to upcycle them but I'm thinking on making the ombre shorts first.

I had this blue jeans that has faded color which will be perfect for this project.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Saran Perawatan Kulit Untuk Cowok

Sejak aku mulai ngeblog tentang berbagai pengalamanku mengatasi jerawat yang sedihnya tetap masih terus berperang sampai sekarang (/TДT)/. Aku mulai sering mendapat pertanyaan dari para reader cowok tentang perihal kulit mereka. Sebetulnya sih aku bukan ahli kulit atau apa gitu dan saran yang aku kasih ke mereka hanya berdasarkan apa yang aku sendiri lakukan. Kali-kali aja gitu mereka tidak cocok trus komplain ke aku. Bisa gawat tuh ☆≡(>。<). Tapi untungnya sampai sekarang masih aman-aman saja dan malah karena ada yang sukses sampai minta ritual perawatan wajahku dari pagi sampe malam. Hi hi hi gag kebayang pula aku ada cowok dari pagi udah cuci muka, pake toner, pake essence / serum, trus lanjut emulsion dan sunblock dijamin dia harus bangun lebih pagi dari biasanya hi hi hi....

Aku sendiri juga punya ade cowok dan dia sendiri juga cukup perduli sama wajahnya. Bukannya mau sok gaya apa gimana tapi demi menunjang penampilan dan rasa percaya diri aja. Perduli dengan kondisi kulit bukan untuk cewek aja tapi cowok juga perlu. Selain itu cowok lebih sering terpapar cuaca dan lingkungan jadi kulit mereka tentunya akan lebih cepat menua dibanding cewek. Selain itu beberapa tips dan saran untuk mengatasi jerawatku itu aku dapat dari adeku loh. Kok bisa?? Ya bisa soalnya sekarang dia sedang dalam masa studi untuk menjadi Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin he he he gpp yak numpang pamer dikit. Jadi segala masalah kulitku selalu aku konsultasikan ke dia. Nah... Saran-saran yang aku bagikan disini adalah hal-hal yang dia sendiri lakukan dan hasilnya sangat kelihatan loh. Tadinya dia jerawatan banget dan malas-malasan hihihi tapi setelah kakaknya sukses dengan saran-saran dia akhirnya lebih rajin lah anaknya dan mukanya sudah jauh lebih bersih. Bahkan lebih cepet bersihnya dibanding aku huks huks. Waktu aku tanya kenapa dia lebih cepet bersihnya kata dia "Ya iyalah aku kan enggak pake kosmetik kayak mbak Sekar". He he he intinya kalau mau kulitnya lebih cepet bagus aku harus stop sama sekali pake perlenongan dan pastinya itu GAG MUNGKIN!!!

Oh ya sedikit info mengenai jenis kulit adeku. Kulit dia cenderung berminyak dan acne prone kayak aku, namun bedanya selain kombinasi normal-berminyak dan acne prone kulitku juga sensitif. Jadi masih mendingan kulit dia lah intinya. Kulit dia juga lebih gelap dari aku jadi kalo ada bekas jerawat jauh lebih cepat pudar dibanding aku. Hiks hiks nangis lagi dehh!! (T^T)(^T )(T )( )( T)( T^)(T^T). Jadi... Post ini aku buat berdasarkan pengalam dia ditambah sedikit saran dari yang aku lakukan sendiri yang kira-kira bisa dilakukan oleh cowok yang gag mau repot. Here we go!!

1. Cuci muka 2x sehari
Adeku mencuci mukanya 2x sehari di pagi dan malam hari saja. Sisanya kalau wajah dia terasa kotor cukup dibilas dengan air biasa saja tanpa menggunakan sabun pembersih wajah.

2. Pilih sabun pembersih wajah yang sesuai dengan jenis kulit.
Tips ini sepertinya standar tapi sering dihiraukan loh. Apalagi sekarang banyak produk pembersih wajah yang disesuaikan untuk pria jadi tidak perlu bingung lagi. Bagi yang kulitnya berminyak dan acne prone bisa cari yang mengandung tea tree atau salicylic acid. Pembersih wajah yang dipakai adeku didapat dari dokter kulit jadinya gag bisa share merknya, tapi aku beliin dia The Skinfood Tea Tree and Lavender Facial Wash nanti dilihat hasilnya setelah dia mulai pakai.

3. Pakai tabir surya
Pakai tabir surya atau sunblock itu wajib hukumnya buat dia. Tiap hari dia naik motor kemana-mana bayangin aja paparan sinar UV pastinya cukup lumayan. Bukannya takut hitam loh ya, tapi sebagai pencegahan terhadap kanker kulit. Sunblock yang dipakai juga ada dua yaitu sunblock untuk wajah dan badan. Untuk wajah dipakai dari pagi sampai siang dan harus dioleskan kembali selang beberapa jam pada wajah yang bersih (biasanya sekitar 2-3 jam sekali tergantung paparan). Tapi dibersihkannya hanya dengan air saja lalu kemudian mengoleskan sunblock kembali. Sunblock yang biasa dia pakai itu Parasol dan belinya di apotik. Oh ya karena kulit dia acne prone dia sering mencampur sedikit obat jerawat yang dia gunakan dengan sunblock dan kata dia sunblock itu kan komedogenik alias bisa menimbulkan komeda jadi di counter attack sama obat jerawat gitu. Kalau yang ini juga sering aku praktekkin he he he

4. Pakai obat jerawat
Berhubung adeku mudah jerawatan kayak aku, obat jerawat sudah menjadi hal yang wajib dalam perawatan wajah kita berdua. Obat jerawat yang biasa dia pakai ada dua dengan kandungan yang berbeda. Yang pertama adalah yang mengandung Nicotinamide seperti Niacef dan yang ini adalah yang biasanya dicampur dengan sunblock. Obat jerawat yang kedua adalah yang mengandung Clindamycin seperti Cindala atau Medi-Klin dan yang ini biasa dia pakai di sore hari pada kulit yang bersih. Selain dua itu ada juga obat jerawat lain yang dia rekomendasi ke aku yaitu yang mengandung Benzoyl Peroxide seperti Benzolac tapi tidak bisa sering aku gunakan karena bikin kulitku flaky. Semua obat jerawat yang aku sebut disini bisa dibeli di apotik yah.

5. Gunakan handuk yang berbeda untuk melap wajah
Kalau yang ini tips dari aku, kenapa berbeda? Karena di handuk tubuh pastinya udah banyak menempel sel-sel kulit mati dari tubuh dan jika digunakan juga pada wajah maka kotoran di handuk dapat menempel ke wajah. Aku sendiri sih menggunakan tissue tapi kalo cowok kayaknya males deh beli tissue, jadi minimal bedain aja deh handuknya.

6. Retinoid
Nah kalau yang ini kayaknya udah produk Holy Grail kita berdua. Penjelasan mengenai retinoid sudah aku jelaskan panjang lebar sampai 2 babak di blog ini (disini dan disini) jadi tidak perlu dijelaskan lagi ya. Produk yang dia gunakan adalah Evalen yang isinya Adapalene yang merupakan turunan dari Retinoic Acid. Kata dia si Evalen ini isinya setara dengan Vitacid yang kandungan Retinoic Acid-nya 0.025% dan tidak seiritasi Vitacid. Jadi untuk pemula si Evalen ini lebih ramah lah di kulit. Cari dimana? Silahkan mampir ke apotik terdekat ^^.

7. Minum tambahan suplemen Zinc.
Adeku paling males minum suplemen tambahan walaupun dia sendiri menyarankan aku untuk minum Zinc. Selain multivitamin untuk Zinc sendiri biasa aku minum 2x sehari kalau jerawatnya parah dan kalau kulitku lagi oke cukup sekali sehari karena Zinc ini membantu mengeringkan jerawat juga menguatkan rambut dan kuku loh! Selain Zinc ada suplemen lain yang juga membantu seperti Omega 3 namun karena harganya lumayan mehi belum pernah aku coba.

Gimana tipsnya? Gag ribet kan? Selain untuk berbagi ilmu (hehe kayak apaan aja), post ini aku buat untuk mengikuti Giveaway kolaborasi dari blog Mimoyoja dan Helo Kim.
Hello Kim and Mimoyoja Giveaway

Bakalan ada 2 orang pemenang yang akan mendapatkan hadiah seru di bawah ini!!

Hello Kim and Mimoyoja Giveaway 
Hello Kim and Mimoyoja Giveaway 
Berikut cara untuk mendapatkan hadiah ini:
  1. Follow blog ini Helo Kim dan Mimoyoja Beauty Blog.
  2. Follow Twitter Prima: (at)primaditarahma dan Raisa: (at)j1hyeon
  3. Tulis post blog di blog kamu tentang topik: Saran Perawatan Kulit untuk Cowok
  4. Post di blog kamu nanti harus menyebut Helo Kim dan Mimoyoja PLUS masukkan badge yang ada di post ini.
  5. Tulis comment dibawah post Helo Kim yang ini, isinya: link post blog kamu, akun Twitter&Facebook kamu, dan email.
  6. Tweet ke Prima dan Raisa seperti ini (contoh): “Hai, aku ikut giveaway #ParcelLebaran di #Helokim, ini link post-ku --> abcdef(dot)bloghijkl(dot)com”
Submisi untuk giveaway ini ditunggu sampai dengan MINGGU, 24 AGUSTUS 2013 pukul 20.00 WIB. Tapi untuk yang bisa submit tulisan blog SEBELUM Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013 jam 20.00 dan  berdomisili di SURABAYA/JAKARTA/BANDUNG/DENPASAR, bisa dapat Additional GIFT juga nih...(Voucher hanya 1, dan pemenangnya DIUNDI ya!)

Hello Kim and Mimoyoja Giveaway 
Wish me good luck fellas ^^

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Food Post: Spagheti Aglio e Olio ala Sekar

(● ̄ω ̄●)ノ Hello!!

Still doing well this Ramadhan? I hope you are. From the title you can probably guess what this is and I know it's Ramadhan and some of you are fasting right now but that doesn't mean I can't post anything food related right?? Considering this is my first post I hope you guys can give me some slack. Anyway... I never considered to post anything food related before but since some of my friends really like this recipe and when I post this pic on Instagram my friends Amz aka Punky Bunny from asks me to post the recipe so I guess why not!! Just consider this as an alternative menu for break fasting.

So what is Aglio e Olio? Spaghetti Aglio e Olio literally means Spagheti with garlic and oil in Italian. It's a traditional Italian pasta dish that's popular through out the world. This dish sauce is made by lightly sauteing minced or pressed garlic in olive oil, sometimes with the addition of dried chilli flakes. Finely chopped parsley can also be added as a garnish along with some cheese. I personally think it's a great comfort food that's easy to make and definitely satisying!!

Here's the main ingredients:
- Spaghetti (you can change it into other pasta if you like)
- Olive Oil
- Garlic
- Salt
- Pepper

Additional ingredients (Because just pasta, garlic and oil will be boring right?): 
- Onions
- Sausage
- Chilli
- Chicken Stock
- Oregano
- Parsley

The additional ingredients can be whatever I like depends on what I have at that time. Sometimes I add broccoli, mushroom, minced meat, beef bacon, smoked beef, meatball, corn, tuna, chicken and etc etc. I prefer to use chilli though than dried chilli flakes because I want mine to be spicy!! I use dried oregano and chicken stock to add more flavor but it doesn't have to be added in the pasta. As for dried parsley I use it instead of minced parsley because I don't usually have fresh parsley on my fridge.

Since I'm making it for myself this recipe is for one serving. Just add more ingredient for more portion and don't forgot to taste!! I know some people never taste their cooking even until it's done. To measure portion I use this neat Spaghetti Scale from Line Tool, just take spaghetti and measure it according to the circle. Be careful though because the size of the circle is different in each gadget. As for myself I use iPhone 5 and the scale is perfect for my portion.

Step 1:
Cut the sausage. I only use one because I think it's enough. The sausage can be change into other ingredients like chicken, minced meat, smoked beef, broccoli, corn, mushroom, tuna and other stuff.

Step 2:
Dice Onion, Garlic and Chilli
- I use one small onion. Add more onion according to the portion.
- 2 Clove of Garlic. Add more according to the desirable portion.
- 3 Chilli. Add more or less according to your preferences.

Ingredients for cooking:
- Salt
- Pepper
- Olive oil
- Oregano
- Dried parsley
- A Block of chicken stock

Step 3:
Boil water and add spaghetti, 2 table spoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook less that 2 or 3 minutes according the instruction because the pasta is going to be cooked again when making the aglio e olio, otherwise it will be overcooked.

- Olive oil so that the spaghetti won't be sticky.
- Salt and pepper to add taste to the spaghetti.
- Aside about a 1/2 cup of water from cooking spaghetti.

Step 4:
- Heat the pan and add olive oil.
- Add garlic and chilli and cook them until it smells good, beware not to burn the garlic.
- Add onion and cook until it becomes transparent.
- Add sausages.

Step 5:
- Add spaghetti, chicken stock and the water from cooking the spaghetti.
- Add oregano.
- Add parsley.
- Add pepper and salt. (This time I didn't add salt on mine because it was already salty. So make sure to taste it first!!)

Step 6:
Enjoy your Spaghetti Aglio e Olio!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Review: Diva Queen Brown & Diva Soul Pink Lenses


It's Monday again and I hope you'll have an awesome day today and it's gonna be more awesome because I'm gonna make two softlens review today!! I personally love wearing both softlens and glasses and thought that both softlens and glasses has its owns charm... Agree?? You betcha..!! Okay lets continue..

diva queen
I'm interested in this softlens because I thought that I want a nice brown lenses that have a decent diameter, I've try Geo before and loving it to death but I'm curious about other brand too. X2 and Omega has a beautiful brown lens with decent diameter but unfortunately I can't wear them. My eyes started to tear up badly after a couple hours and I didn't even watched Winter Sonata... So really.. I didn't even have any reason to cry?!?!?

Manufacture: Diva
Country: Korea
Diameter : 14.00 mm
Water Content: 50 %
Use: 12 month
Color: Violet, Blue, Green, Brown, Grey
Grades: Available to -6.00

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My Summer Giveaway!!!

Hello people!!!

After delaying for a few months because I was so busy from my graduation, umrah and moving I finally get the chance to host another giveaway!! Yayy!!! I've been wanting to do another giveaway just to celebrate a lot of happy moments in my life such as:

I finally graduate!! 
After some agonizing years of revising thesis and chasing professors who's busier than celebrity and more elusive than Bigfoot I finally able to graduate!!

I'm gonna move to Surabaya
I guess this one is a bit of a bittersweet, I am excited to move and start a new leaf in Surabaya but at the same time I am sad because I had a lot of great friends in Jogja.

My Blog reach 300k page views
I started to blog on a whim and even though my page views is still far far away from Arum's 1.000k pageviews I'm still happy that quite a lot of people read my blog.

My Blog reach more than 200 readers
I'm still new and for sure there are other much much better than me but I'm still happy nonetheless.

So commemorate all of that I'm doing another giveaway!!

There will be two winners and the prizes are:

First Winner
 The first winner will get:
- Etude House Sweet Recipe Cupcake All Over Color
- Etude House AC Clinic Skin Care Kit
- Etude House Hello Kitty Tender Powder Cake Fragrance
- Etude House Yogurt Wash Off Pack
- Providence Beauty Strawberry Pore Purifying Mask
- The Face Shop Clean Face Mild Gift Set
- The Face Shop Mini Pet Baby Hand Cream
- My Handmade Sphere Bracelet
- TCM Cubilose Pearl Sleeping Mask
- VOV Daily Fresh Apple AHA Peeling Gel
- Missha Gift Set
- Bath & Body Works Wild Honeysuckle Shower Gel
- Tony Moly Tony Tint Catchu Wink Cherry Red
- The Skinfood Rice Concealer Tip
- Oralabs Citrus Mist Lip Balm
- Lucky Be Creation Konjac Sponge

Second Winner

The second winner will get:
- Etude House Moistfull Aloe Skin Care Kit
- Etude House Sweet Recipe Candy Stick
- Etude House Fresh Cherry TintThe
- Etude House Lip & Eye Make-Up Remover
- Missha Moist24 Mini Hand Cream
- Oralabs Citrus Mist Lip Balm
- Fruttini Ginger Passionfruit Shower Gel
- Skinlite Dual Wellbeing Masque
- Cosline Pine Needle Pack
- Dermal Rose Mask
- Tony Moly Oriental Gyeol Mini Set
- My Handmade Paris Bracelet

This giveaway will last from 21 July 2013 to 22 August 2013 and it is for Indonesia Residence only...
 So what are you waiting for!! Fill the rafflecopter below!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Review: The Skinfood Citron Scalp Care Shampoo and Conditioner


How are you people!! I'm planning on making this post yesterday but unfortunately I had a crazy migraine and had to rest. But since I'm feeling better this morning I'm gonna continue what I had plan yesterday. Soo.... As the title said it's a review on Shampoo and Conditioner that I bought a few months back and because I wash my hair every two or three days it took quite long for me to review these products.

My Hair Problem:
Okay... Before I continue onto the review I'm gonna share you about my hair problem first. Here goes:

1. I have dry hair.
My hair is quite dry so I'm in a desperate need of a hair product that can nourish my hair.
2. I have itchy scalp.
I'm one of those unfortunate people who had itchy scalp!! I don't have dandruff problem though but most anti-dandruff shampoo helps tends the itchiness. On the downside though since I have a dry hair those shampoo made my hair worse so I can't really use them. Gaahhh!!!
3. I have a lion mane hair.
My hair tends to puff up like a lion and even though it does help to make it look that I have a lot of hair I think it gives me more problem. I usually tame them using hair iron but since I have a dry hair I can't do it often either, so I need a products that can help to tame my hair.
4. I had a few frizzy patch.
For some reason I had some frizzy patch on parts of my hair and even though I cut that part already, when my hair gets longer the frizzy patch come back in the exact same spot!!

After a brief overview about my hair condition let's continue onto the review....

Friday, July 12, 2013

Review: Anosa Seaweed Purifying Toner


How are you my lovely readers?? Hopefully you guys are in a better condition than mine. I had bad cough for the past the days and to make it worse I don't really have time to rest since I'm gonna move from Jogja for good in the next two days!! image Hopefully everything will turn out alright and I'm gonna start my new and preferably better life in Surabaya!! 

#uhuk #uhuk Sorry there... My cough are so bad I hope my laptop isn't gonna catch any viruses from me #LOL image Okay..... Continue to the original purpose!! image Today's review is about a toner that I bought from Sasa around last month. It's Anosa Seaweed Purifying Toner and this toner is actually in a set of two toner with the other one is a Tea Tree Herbal Toner. 

Anosa Seaweed Purifying Toner balances sebum secretion and tightens pores. It is softening and moisturizing.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Review: The Body Shop Cucumber Freshening Water and Tea Tree Skin Clearing Toner

´ ▽ ` )ノ Hello!!!

I've been so busy with moving preparation for the past month so I don't really have time to update my blog or even blog walking these days. Plus my phone's internet connection is kinda sucky and I can't browse from my phone either... Talk about double bummer (TAT).... Anyway this morning is a bit free so I'm gonna make a post on two toner from The Body Shop that I've been using for the past few months and just run out of it last June. I only had one picture of each toner because the other pictures are on my phone and I lost the phone last month. Damn you thief!!! Errr.... Nuff said and straight to the reviews...

The body shop cucumber freshening water:

I got this cucumber water from The Body Shop great sale and it was only IDR 35.000 if I'm not wrong. I usually made my own toner but this one kinda interest and since it's for all skin type I don't think my skin gonna have a problem with it too.