Thursday, September 19, 2013

Acne Tragedy.... Again.... and How I Deal With It

Looking at the title you'll know what this is about right?? And if some of you have read my blog before you'll probably know that I have a constant battle with acne problem. It's like a never-ending battle that goes on and on and on.... And just when I thought I've won!! Those pesky acne come back again!! After about 1.5 year  enjoying acne-free days for some reason after I got back from Umrah this March those acne started to come back again. At first it was only 1-2 small acne but after months they started getting bigger and much much more!! I don't understand what's wrong!! Is it the weather or what? Not only that because I travels a lot during March-June my skin condition is getting worse again. It's back in those dark days where I had oily T-Zone and dry patches here and there. 

This is how my skin is at July... Oh God.. I felt like I wanna cry again.. (TAT)....  My forehead is pretty clean but my left and right cheek are hideous!!! There are a lot of red acne and even though it was bad at least those acne aren't itchy like I had before. Even though I religiously use Vitacid every night why does the acne comes back!!! My brother recommends that I upgrade my dose of Retinoic acid to 0.1% and if my skin is getting better I should come back to the previous dose.

This is the progress on my left cheek after I change my skin regimen. Upgrading the Retinoid acid to 0.1% is not the only thing that I did. I change most of my skin care regimen but not all at once. I'm gonna show you on the first regimen that I change to the last one.

My right cheek right now is actually much much better now. There's no acne anymore but I still has a lot of dark and super red blemish marks. Anyhow... Here are the products that I use.

A lot right?? Like I said I change most of my skin care regime? Why you say?? It's actually a bit shameful he he he... I like to try new skin care products so sometimes I hoard them. Not that the previous one are bad though. Okay continue....

1. Vitacid 0.05% to Vitacid 0.1%

I've used Retinoic Acid 0.05% for almost 2 years now but since my skin is really bad I upgraded it to 0.1% and soon after my skin begins to feel very sensitive although there are less irritation and flaky skin which I'm grateful about. I also didn't experience any purging at all after I upgraded the dose.

2. The Skinfood Tomato Emulsion to Papulex Oil Free Cream

The reason I change my moisturizer to Papulex is because Papulex is intended for people with acne prone skin and if I use too much The Skinfood Tomato Emulsion I will experience minor breakout. So it's not that I think TSF Tomato is bad, I think it was good and it does helps lighten my blemish marks but my current priority is to get rid of those acne!! Oh I got to know about this Papulex Oil Free Cream from my brother and my dermatologist friend. I'm currently on my second tube of this cream and I'm pretty happy about it. This cream helps control oil and lighten blemish marks too!! The only problem I had with this product is that it wasn't easy to find! If I still can't find an easy way to get this product I think I'll get back to TSF Tea Tree Emulsion. My dermatologist friend said that I can ask the pharmacy to put an order to this cream if they didn't have one but I never got the chance to ask. Any recommendation where I can get this cream in Surabaya?

3. Add Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence to the Regimen

The reason I got this essence because I read a lot of good review about it and since my skin is very sensitive from Retinoic I was hoping that this essence can helps calms my skin. So far I'm pretty happy with it, my skin feels nice and soft and those constant sting I had on my skin from Retinoic is mostly gone. Usually I felt it on my upper cheek and nose but now it was only on my nose. The redness on my skin also getting better.

4. Add La Glace Epurant White Essence to the Regimen

Previously I use The Skinfood Tomato Serum and unfortunately when my skin had all those acne it hates whitening products!! So why did I use this??? Hmmm... Here goes... Back when my skin is still good I was trying to repurchase The Skinfood Tomato Serum since it's almost runs out and then I saw this serum in a discounted price at so I bought this one instead. Two weeks after that my skin is getting worse and worse but since I already bought I figure I'm gonna try it anyway and my skin seems to love this serum!! No breakout whatsoever!! This serum also moisturizes very well so even though I use Retinoic almost every night I didn't experience any flaky skin. This serum last for about 2 months and I'm currently change it again to Lioele Whitening Ampoule because the original price of this essence is quite expensive. I'm hoping for a discount again soon....

5. Change from DIY Toner to Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner

I've always curious about this toner and even though I like my DIY Toner I got a constant complaints about the smell so yeah... I don't experience anything new or special though while using this toner and my pore still looks the same. I wonder how much time does it take to make my pore smaller?? But wait.... I add another toner on my regime...

6. Add Etude House Skin Malgem Smoother to the Regimen

I was curious about this toner to and I had quite nice experience when I try the travel size sample so I also bought this along with Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner. Funny thing is I try using only of each for two weeks (two weeks Wonder Pore and then two weeks Smoother) and it doesn't feel different. But then I use Wonder Pore Freshner in the morning and Skin Malgem Smoother at night because I think Wonder Pore Freshner is more of a clarifying toner and suitable in the morning and Skin Malgem Smoother helps remove residual buildup so it's suitable at night. These toner combination apparently suits my skin well and I just hope that they won't be discontinue (-_-)!.

7. Change my Facial Wash to Soapberry Misa Jade Soap and The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash

I've try Soapberry Misa Jade Soap before and super loving it but then I change it to Kose Nature & Co Pure Facial Foam because I was on vacation and didn't bring enough soap. While Kose felt very smooth and moisturizing on my skin, it didn't help with my acne like Soapberry does. I use Soapberry for two weeks only and it really helps with acne and makes my skin nice and supple. Anyway... since I didn't have any Soapberry left so I try using The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash. TBS Facial Wash really helps to dries the acne on my face but I can't use it everyday because it makes my whole face dry!! And as you know I use Retinoic Acid too so those combination makes my skin extremely dry!! So now I use TBS Tea Tree Facial Wash only when I had a big acne and only for 1-3 days. The other days I use Soapberry and it's currently my favorite. I had a few Phillipines Beauty Soap too but if it makes my face too dry I'm gonna change back to Soapberry.

8. Added Argan Oil to the Regimen

I didn't use this oil everyday though only when my skin is itchy or very sensitive. Put a few drops of this oil on my palm and then I pat the oil gently on my face. This oil also great for my nail and hair.

So that's it then.... I was hoping that this blemish marks will fade away soon huu huu.... And meanwhile here's another pic of me with bare face. Toodles...!!!

**** Updated ****

I forgot to add one more product to the regimen.

Pore Brush

Bought it from and it was in a discounted prize too!! It helps to thoroughly cleanse my face and also acts as micro exfoliator. I use it about 2-3 times a week.


  1. Replies
    1. Sepertinya sih kombinasi antara cuaca dan mondar-mandir jogja-jakarta-surabaya-jember. (TAT)

  2. wow the result is amazing :) my sis recommend cetaphyl and neautrogena, i hope that helps :)

    1. I've used Cetaphyl too but it was hard to find in my country, had to shipped overseas (T.T). Although I heard it was finally available in Indonesia.

  3. Replies
    1. Iya udah mendingan sekarang, walau masi suka muncul tapi cuma 1-2 dan gag ngeri2 gitu.

  4. Jerawatku malah gede2 dan keras lho. Bingung mau diapain hahaha.
    Untung kamu udah sembuh ^_^

    1. Aahhh gag enak banget kalo jerawat gitu. Suka gatel pula biasanya

  5. kalo jerawat sih suka ilank muncul di mukaku tp yg susah ngilangin bekas nya.. huhu.. pengen nyoba secret key STE sama etude wonder pore jg next time.. tp di kamu udah berkurang kok..^^

    1. Iya bekas jerawat emang paling bikin gundah gulana deh.
      Hu'um udah sedikit demi sedikit memudar bekasnya, musti harus bersabar ditelatenin.

  6. Ohhhh good thing your skin is getting better now. I hope they will all fade away soon. Have you tried garnier one, in blue roll on packaging? Forgot the exact name but I use it whenever I have a pimple and the next day, I can already see improvements. :)

  7. Wow I can indeed see a dramatic improvement based on your photos. I also use Papulex!! :D I do agree that it's quite hard to find. You know what, I also have acne and the pimples and blackheads just seem to keep coming back, so I get regular treatments from my dermatologist. Good luck to us! :)

    Maxinne ♥

    1. I've been thinking of getting Salicylic Peeling but never got the chance to do it.
      Good luck to us!!

  8. I drink some kind of capsule jamu to reduce the acne and use Wardah Acne Series and well, so far it works.

    1. I've been recommended to drink jamu too but I'm afraid of allergic reaction (T.T)

  9. sama banget itu!! omg T^T i'm so sick and tired to deal with any break-out :'(
    jidatku juga mulus2 aje, eh tapi di pipi kanan-kiri ada aja jerawatnya. Kayanya aku juga jadi kepikiran buat upgrade dosis vitacid-nya nih...

    1. Kemarin aku naikin dosis 0.1% pake tiap malam setipis mungkin. Sekarang udah lumayan aku kurangin jadi 2 hari sekali pakenya.

    2. menurutmu yg 0,1% bikin tambah kering gak kulitnya? atau sama aja? males banget klo udah kring2 mw nglupas gtu T^T

    3. Di aku enggak kering karena banyak aku counter pake serum dan pelembab.

  10. I appreciate that you showed us everything from the beginning, the last photo really shows the progress, impressive! Heads up, girl, you're fab :)

    1. Thanks Tory. I'm gonna update about the blemish marks maybe they fades

  11. Wah untung udah rada berkurang yang acnes nya ;)

    1. Iya udah lumayan jauh. Tinggal bekasnya nih yg susah hilang huu huu

  12. Super love this post <3 i seriously want that pore brush cleanser, i saw on tony moly a similar one but it is kinda expensive hmmm which one should i get

    ~ amz88 Punky Bunny Blog, xoxo

    1. You should get the one from if you had time to wait for the shipping.

  13. Good thing your face looks fine now. I had those days too but now I'm using Cetaphil and it works well! x

    1. I'm gonna search for Cetaphil to because I heard it's already available in Indonesia too ^^

  14. Sis, dikau beli papulex yg gel dimana? mao donk jg beli.. cari dimana2 g da :(

    1. Aku nitip teman yang dokter kulit buat beli.
      Kata dia sih kalau mau cari sendiri bisa minta apotik pesankan Papulexnya, tapi kayaknya di forum female daily ada yang jual deh.

  15. Wah, aku juga prnah kyak gtu mukanya. Breakout krn ga cocok dgn bb cream. Habis itu grasak grusuk beli line clear solution 2 % paula choice sma benzoil perokside 5%nya, kalo malam mau tidur mukanya dicuci dgn cara digosok pake spon lembut yg udah dikasih facial foam trus pake night serum (skrang lgi pake estee lauder cyber white). Sekali seminggu maskeran pake innisfree clay mask. Akhirnya alhamdulillah mendingan wajahnya.

    1. Wah syukurlah kalau wajahmu sudah mendingan juga

  16. Halo sekar :)
    Mau sharing aja kalo aku juga pake papulex dan beneran jerwatku jadi berkurang.. tp yang aku pake itu sabun mukanya sih.. hehehe
    Belinya di apotik Cempaka deket RS Haji Sukolilo.. barangkali bisa nemu produk papulex lain disana :)
    Utk sabun mukanya 150ml, harga 185rb, bisa buat 2 bln lebih kalo tiap hari cuci muka 3-4x (mostly 4 times a day), cuma ya itu.. kadang barangnya abis.. tapi cepet sih restocknya, dan biasanya dikasih tau barangnya dtg hari apa..


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