At the beginning of making this dish I actually wanted to use Oyster Sauce because I though the sweetness of Chayote will go nicely with the slight saltiness of Oyster Sauce. But did I do? I pic the wrong bottle and pour Teriyaki Sauce instead. I thought for sure this is gonna taste weird but my brother gobble it all up and said it was good. So I though why not share the recipe anyway he he he
(Pada awal membuat masakan ini aku maunya menggunakan Saus Tiram karena kupikir rasa manis dari Labu SIam bakalan cocok sama asinnya Saus Tiram. Tapi apa yang terjadi? Aku salah ambil botol dan malah menuang Saus Teriyaki. Kupikir rasanya bakalan aneh tapi rupanya semua habis ludes dimakan sama adikku dan kata dia enak. Jadi kubagi aja ya resepnya disini he he he).
Ingredients (Bahan-Bahan):
1 Chayote (1 Labu Siam)
1 Pack of Enoki Mushroom (1 Bungkus Jamur Enoki)
4 Garlic (4 Bawang Putih)
Seasoning (Bumbu):
Salt (Garam)
Pepper (Merica)
Sugar (Gula)
Teriyaki Sauce (Saus Teriyaki)
How to Cook (Cara Memasak):
- Peel and slice the Chayote thinly in a matchstick cut. (Kupas dan potong Labu Siam tipis-tipis seperti korek api).
- Throw the Enoki roots and random cut it. (Buang akar Enoki dan potong acak).
- Cut the garlics (Potong Bawang Putih).
- Heat oil. (Panaskan minyak)
- Add Garlic and then Chayote. (Masukkan bawang putih lalu kemudian masukkan labu siam).
- Add around 70cc of water and simmer until the water has been reduced. (Tambahkan sekitar 70cc air dan masak dalam api kecil sampai airnya berkurang).
- Add the Enoki Mushroom and seasoned with Salt, Pepper, Sugar and Teriyaki Sauce. I don't have the exact measurement because I usually just eyeball it every time I cook. Just add little by little and taste the cooking as you go. (Tambahkan Jamur Enoki dan bumbui dengan Garam, Merica, Gula dan Saus Teriyaki. Aku tidak punya takaran pastinya karena setiap masak biasanya hanya kira-kira aja. Sebaiknya tambahkan bumbu sedikit demi sedikit sambil dicicipi).
- Finished and served with hot steaming rice!! (Selesai dan sajikan dengan nasi panas!!)
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