Yayy!! My first award ever!!
Thanks to Dianzara Shine from "Heart Carved Shine" for nominating me.... XoXo!!
There are few simple rules for this award:
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
2. Let the nominated know that they have been nominated for this award.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post.
Okay.... Here's 7 random fact about me:
- I lovvveeee spiccy fooodd!!! I think it's because I've been living in Manado for 14 years... And because of that I can't eat banana fritters without 'Sambal' or 'Dabu-Dabu'. >.<
- I like to collect anything that has a skull pattern or shape.
- I recently started to cook.
- I can't ride a bicycle *Agghhh!!!
- I'm bad at using liquid liner....
- I like to have a place for everything and anything. I'm a bit OCD-ish?!?!?
- I'm allergic to seafood but I love seafood... Meh just take an allergic medication before I eat those seafood.
Now for the 15 fellow blogger that I nominate... They are....
- Caroline from http://carolinelle.blogspot.com/
- Alice from http://aliceorionaaxelle.blogspot.com/
- Kurnia Putri from http://niaputrinia.blogspot.com
- Choco Chip from http://cipcipcokocip.blogspot.com
- An Berry from http://anberry88.blogspot.com
- Diani Noverta from http://diznie.blogspot.com
- Pinky Boo from http://pinky-boo.blogspot.com
- Yessy Suwandi from http://yessysuwandi.blogspot.com
- Tania from http://sweetvanillascent.blogspot.com/
- Romacchiato from http://romacchiato.blogspot.com/
- Kiky Utami from http://playfunwithbeautyandfood.blogspot.com
- Stefanie Bee from http://fanie-bee.blogspot.com/
- Ucci from http://ucibeautystory.blogspot.com
- Theresia from http://ucibeautystory.blogspot.com
- Swankalishious from http://swankalishious.blogspot.com
Omgosh! I LOVE SPICY FOOD! and skull patterns. You should see my boys outfits! I it everything in skull pattern but underwear haha
ReplyDeleteLiquid eyeliner is actually very easy to use. Just one small stroke at a time and yes a steady hand and fingers def help :) i just love 7 random facts!
Omgosh how terrible! I forgot to say CONGRATS!
ReplyDeletecongrats :)
Thanks a lot dearrr ^^
ReplyDeleteur welcome
ReplyDeletemakasih loh reward nya ^^
ReplyDeleteI have followed you <3
thx for following...
ReplyDeletethanks a loot yaa rewardnya .. ^^
ReplyDeleterajin yaaa ngeblog ~~ sebulan bisa lebih dari 20 post 0.o"
*mikir kapan bisa begitu*
buat pelepas stress say.. klo lg bete ngeblog
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly the problem, I don't have a steady hands... It keeps trembling.. Maybe I'm afraid of liquid liner. *LOL. Aww put some picture of your boys wearing skulls!! I just started collecting so it's not much, but all of them are cute!!
ReplyDeletethank U....
ReplyDeletethanks for nominated me~~
ur welcome... can't wait for ur new post too!!
ReplyDeleteWOW thanks for awardnya
nice post
maaf ya, aku lagi sedikit sibuk jadi posnya sedikit berkurang >.<
kayanya tipe muka kita sama
minyakan + komedoan + jerawatan
walaupun udah gag terlalu berminyak tapi tetep parnoo!!