Thursday, September 6, 2012

My August or is it September?? Sasa Haul

After waiting for about a week finally my order from comes two days ago. Usually you have to buy more than $70 (IDR 700.000) to get a free shipping but they have a free shipping promo if you buy at least $29 (IDR 290.000) not bad huh?!? If I bought more than $70 I have to pay custom since it's more than $50 (IDR 500.000) and will end up paying more money which sucks big time. So I save a lot of money by not having to pay for shipping and custom.
The package box is quite big but it's all dented!! I hope the custom and shipping  people won't ruin the inside package.

Whoa..!! Lots of peanuts inside so I guess the package is safe.
They also put it the bubble wrap so double safe!! Yay!! Anyway... I bought several things that I find interesting or things that I want to try.
Suki Make Up - Face Full HD Cream
There's a CC Cream written in it which stand for Corium Care Cream which can protect and repair the skins. It can even help to adjust the color of the skin to make it become white I think this is similar with foundation or bb cream, I've never heard of the brand Suki but I heard it a few times when I'm looking at youtube tutorial. All of their products have a cute packaging and I'm a sucker for cute packaging *sigh.... I bought this for $9.9 (IDR 99.000).
Mai Doll Natural Pressed Foundation in Natural
You can guess it alright!! I bought it because it's cute!! Pinky Polkadots!! I got this for $8.5 (IDR 85.000), hopefully the color match my skin tone since this product only available in one shade. The other products from Mai Doll are not expensive but I want to try this first.
IsQueen High Definitien BB Cream Mini Set
Usually China brand don't really attracts me but this product has a lot of great review and one of the best selling bb cream in China and Hongkong, their company also uses an advanced Japanese Nanotech. Since this comes in a small set I decided to try it, it's small, cute, and great for travelling. I got this for $3.8 (IDR 38.000), it's about the same price as my mini size Baviphat but I got two of them!!
Vess Pucucu Foaming Ball
I got this foaming ball for $4.1 (IDR 41.000), when I try this with a tiny bit of facial wash it foams like crazy!! This will save money from buying facial wash and I like the foamy sensation!! Vess has some of the beauty tools that I'm drooling right now btw...
How to use it
  1. Thoroughly wet foaming ball with lukewarm water and squeeze most of the water out.
  2. Dispense a proper amount of cleanser onto the foaming ball ( use a solid-type, a liquid-type, a cream-type or a powder-type cleanser). Press the foaming ball repeatedly for foam.
  3. Cleanse the face with the fine, fluffy foam created.
  4. Wash the foaming ball with water thoroughly after cleansing face.

Belle Madame Konjac Washing Sponge
Who doesn't know the awesomeness of Konjac Sponge!! I've been wanting to try this sponge for long and I saw this sponge at sasa for only $2.8 (IDR 28.000), definitely worth trying!!

Have you try buying from
Which one do you want for me to review?

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  1. Wow awesome haul! I never been to sasa website. I need to take a look. Oh crap i will be buying stuffs. I have been to sasa store in hk though n i love it. Thx for the haul post.

    1. Yeah... I can't help myself each time I visit their web!! They also often had free shipping promo which I lovveee....

  2. review. review.. ditunggu reviewnya :D
    btw kmaren kena brp bayar ke posnya?

    1. Iya nyusul ya say... Banyak yg masi numpuk di draft huks huks...

      Kemarin gag bayar loh!! Biasanya bayar ongkos bungkus kembali kan ya?

  3. many haul...
    review y say...
    I love your cursor too...cute rainbow..:)

    1. free shipping too!!
      ditunggu ya reviewnya.
      iya nih ketularan demam rainbow.

  4. I bought 4 items from sasa too...
    love sasa website, sometimes they give us a pretty great deal :P


    1. they really do!! can't wait for another great deal!!

  5. sekarr kalo ada free ship trus mau order lagi mau doong ikutt. ga punya cc n paypal soalnya.. hahaha...

  6. ini aja nebeng cc si papa hihihihi... Paypalku udah expired pula.


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