Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My First Qoo10 Order is Here!!

Yayy!!! After waiting for a week finally my order from qoo10.co.id is here!! It's from Singapore so it's relatively faster than the other stuff from Korea or China.

The seller put the return address in case the package is undelivered, although I doubt anyone will deliver it back if it don't reach its destination.

The package is wrapped neatly inside a bubble. You can see that I ordered fake lashes he he he...

I ordered 3 dense fake lashes because I wanted to try a bolder look. I don't really like wearing fake lashes when I'm hanging out or go to a party. I just though that these lashes is perfect for making FOTD or Make-Up Challenge. *sighh I haven't done my MakeupNista Make-Up Challenge..... No idea whatsoeverrr.....!!!

Anyway I ordered these lashes at 10 Oct 2012 but the seller send it at 15 Oct 2012, that's because the seller send me a message to remind me that I'm using a free shipping option (yes it's free!!) and he or she reminded that by doing that I will not be able to track the package and recommend me to use a registered service. But since the shipping fee is much much more expensive than the lashes I still choose the free shipping option. Each pair of lashes cost me IDR 9.930 ($ 0.993) and since the shipping cost is free I spend IDR IDR 29.790 ($ 2.979) on all of three lashes. 

Almost forgot, the seller shop is Skinxper, but unfortunately the fake lashes are sold out!! Hopefully they gonna restock soon.

Thank's for coming by... http://www.emocutez.com 
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Hugs N' Kisses!! http://www.emocutez.com



  2. Aku juga demen belanja di G market ^^

  3. tapi yg lain belum dateng nih say.. huu huu.. kmu pesen darimana?

  4. buset, free delivery?? mbok ajariin aku cara belanjaa nyaaaaaa..
    aku pusing liat web nya berantakan, bikin males..hahahaha

  5. Yo'i amburadul emang. Itu dapet juga hoki hehe

  6. hello there~~
    i haven't been around lately so i missed many of your reviews
    how are you?
    i see that you bought products from Qoo10
    i'm buying from there too sometimes
    it's a great website to get few hard to find products that can be found at Malaysia with cheaper price right?
    anyway, i'm just passing by to see how's you're doing
    bye for now!!

  7. Hello An!! Kinda miss you there... He he he
    The price is great but the waiting part is soo agonizing!!

  8. yeah, it takes 1-2 weeks to arrive right?

  9. actually it takes more... It's been three weeks already. #sigh

  10. did you send any e-mel or message to the seller??
    it supposed to take around 2 weeks only for the product to arrive~~

  11. I did, the package is suppose to arrive between 2-4 weeks since it's from Korea :(

  12. oo, that's why it's so late~~
    well, be patience ok?
    it will arrive soon

  13. Yeah I know but waiting is sooo hardd....

  14. hi :)
    sis,aku baru pertama kali belanja di qmarket ni,mau tanya...harga total yang harus kita bayar itu udh keseluruhan biaya atau masih ada biaya lain2 lagi yang harus kita bayar?soalnya pernah baca dimana *lupa >.<"* katanya harus bayar bea cukai lagi...
    thanks sis^^

  15. total sama seperti pas checkout cart, setahu aku bayar cukai itu kalau belanja lebih dari $50, kalo dibawahnya paling bayar biaya bungkus ulang 3 ribu


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