Thursday, January 31, 2013

Review: Inaura Renovate Nourish & Moist Hair Treatment (Blackberry & Cinnamon)

Perawatan rambut ekstra sudah menjadi kewajiban dalam ritual perawatan rambutku karena selain sering diwarnai rambutku juga sudah cukup panjang. Jadi penggunaan shampoo dan conditioner saja rasanya masih kurang deh untuk menjaga kondisi rambut supaya tetap sehat. Jadi minimal seminggu sekali aku biasanya melakukan perawatan ektra dengan menggunakan hair mask. Kali ini aku mau mereview produk perawatan rambut yang menurutku sih kualitasnya tidak kalah dengan produk-produk perawatan rambut terkenal lainnya dan dengan harga yang menurutku juga sangat terjangkau yaitu Inaura Renovate Hair Treatment. Produk yang aku gunakan kali ini adalah Inaura Renovate Nourish and Moist yang memiliki aroma Blackberry dan Cinnamon. Selain itu ada juga 2 varian lain dari Inaura Renovate yaitu varian "Purity and Renew" dan "Protect and Repair" dengan aroma yang berbeda pula.

Seperti produk perawatan rambut lainnya seperti masker, hairspa dan creambath produk ini kemasannya berupa toples plastik. Ukurannya juga macam-macam dari 500 ml, 1000 ml dan 5000 ml. Untuk ukuran 500 ml ini harganya cukup murah loh menurutku yaitu Rp 35.000 ($ 3.5) saja dan waktu itu harganya juga diskon 15% jadi Rp 29.750 ($ 2.975) sedangkan yang ukuran 1000 ml harganya Rp 75.000 bisa puas deh tiap hari treatment rambut.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January Favorites and Empties

Since the internet connection is quite good tonight one more post won't hurt right?? Actually I wanted to do another review post and crochet pattern post but I'm getting pretty tired. Maybe tomorrow will do... Anyway this post is about my favorites product this month and some of the product that I've emptied out.


I've mentioned before that my skin is really bad this month. For some reason it gets really sensitive and red. So I bought this mask since like the product name I hope this mask can calms my skin and it really is!! The only downside to this mask is that it expires two months after it was open. So I have to really use this mask more often but so far I've already use it for about 10 times and it's only been half empty.

January Haul

Finally.... After another yet internet bust connection I finally be able to make this post. Since it's almost the end of January I wanted to post about my January Haul. I kinda bought a lot of stuff this January since there are a huge lot of discount everywhere!! So most of the stuff that I bought this month are in reduced price!! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Guardian Haul

Guardian has a huge discount for a variety of their product along this January so I bought most of my stuff from there this month.

I got this Pure Baby Wipes for IDR 18.900 ($ 1.89) and I think it has a 20% discounted price.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Review: Vivelle Hello Kitty UV Whitening Body Lotion (Chiyo, Yumi and Keiko)


Lagi-lagi aku kembali dengan review soal body lotion. Akhir-akhir ini aku cukup boros pakai body lotion karena kulitku lagi kering banget hasil memakai sabun dengan kandungan kojic acid. Review kali yaitu tentang Vivelle Hello Kitty UV Whitening Body Lotion seri Chiyo, Yumi dan Keiko. Karena penasaran akhirnya aku beli deh semua variannya.

Body lotion ini aku beli dengan harga sekitar 13 ribuan karena waktu itu lagi diskon, kalau harga normalnya kurang tahu juga tapi rangenya sekitar 14.000 - 16.000. Semua varian memiliki kemasan berupa glossy tube dengan desain dan warna yang heboh menurutku. Ukuran dari body lotion ini adalah 100 ml jadi cocok juga dibawa travelling karena tidak begitu besar.

Vivelle Hello Kitty Keiko
Varian Keiko ini diperuntukkan untuk yang memiliki kulit ekstra kering dan mengandung Double Moisturizing dibanding Chiyo dan Yumi. Body lotion ini mengandung Virgin Coconut Oil dan Shea Butter yang dapat melembabkan kulit yang sangat kering, serta Clair Blance-II Whitening Complex untuk mencerahkan kulit. UV filter untuk melindungi kulit dari sinar matahari. Varian Keiko ini memiliki aroma yang manis menurutku dan ada aroma fruity-nya juga [ahhhh aku paling susah deh mendeskripsikan wewangian ( ̄(エ) ̄)]. Wangi dari body lotion ini juga tahan sampai beberapa jam. Meskipun diperuntukkan untuk kulit kering si Keiko ini cukup menyerap dengan cepat dan tidak lengket di kulitku.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Review: Nivea Intensive Advanced Moisture Care Lotion

Ola... Selamat Malam...

Sebelum tidur aku mau buat review singkat dulu mengenai body lotion yang masuk list empties bulan Desember kemarin yaitu Nivea Intensive Moisture Care Lotion. Waktu aku masih SMP sebelum kenal dengan macam-macam produk body lotion dan body butter dari macam-macam brand seperti sekarang, Nivea ini adalah body lotion yang paling sering aku pakai selain Vaseline. Kenapa Vaseline? Karena dulu sering dapat gratisan macam-macam varian he he he.... Okay... Lanjut ke topik utama.

Jadi pada suatu hari iseng-iseng lah aku meluncur ke Carrefour Ambarrukmo Plaza karena mau beli Grape Seed Oil tapi setelah melewati bagian body lotion rupanya si Nivea Intensive Moisture Care Lotion sedang diskon. Kalau tidak salah sekitar 20 ribuan untuk ukuran 400 ml ini, berhubung menurutku cukup murah masuklah dia ke dalam keranjang belanja.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Review: Sunsilk Damaged Hair Treatment 3 Minute Treatment Hair Mask

Sebetulnya aku sudah beberapa kali membeli produk masker rambut ini tapi entah kenapa gag pernah kepikiran untuk bikin review. Akhirnya setelah masker ini sudah mau pada titik darah penghabisaanya barulah muncul mood untuk buat reviewnya he he he....

Mengapa perlu treatment? Karena aku cukup sering mewarnai rambutku dan menyiksa rambut dengan berbagai alat panas seperti pengering rambut dan catok rambut, mau catok lurus, catok keriting, catok mermaid pokoknya segala peralatan rambut yang berhawa-hawa panas dehh!! Nah karena sering disiksa si rambut ini makanya aku butuh perawatan ekstra selain hanya menggunakan shampoo dan conditioner saja, jadilah kutambah perawatannya dengan menggunakan masker rambut. Apalagi aku paling malas mau ke salon karena butuh waktu dan tenaga tambahan untuk meluncur ke salon plus pastinya butuh tambahan uang juga hihihihi. Makanya aku lebih suka melakukan perawaran rambut sendiri karena bisa sambil multitasking, misalnya nih sambil mendiamkan rambut yang dimasker bisa sekalian ngepost review juga ╮(─▽─)╭.

Awalnya aku membeli seluruh rangkain produk Sunsilk Damage Hair Treatment Series dari Shampoo, Conditioner, Serum dan Masker tapi anehnya yang lumayan cocok sama rambut cuma masker dan serumnya sedangkan shampoo dan conditionernya malah membuat kulit kepalaku gatallll (╯︵╰,).

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Review: BEVi Kojic Acid Soap

Hello there....

Today I'm gonna post a review about this Philippines beauty soap which is Bevi Kojic Acid Soap since I've already use it until the last bits. I bought this soap from Baterflai Tat Shop in Facebook, she sells a lot of Philippines beauty products with affordable price.

Kojic acid was derived from a mushroom in 1989 and has since been used in several skincare and anti-aging products as a natural ingredient for lightening skin pigmentation. Kojic acid soaps are typically made with a combination of natural skin lightening fruit acid and papaya extract that work by softening the skin and creating a luminous, healthy glow. Kojic acid soap is primarily an exfoliating skin product that slowly gets rid of pigmentation and dark spots by buffing away the damaged skin cells. The papaya enzymes in Kojic acid soaps help to break down the top layer of skin cells and peel away damaged skin, revealing the fresh and healthy cells underneath. This soap can be used as a regular bath soap all over the body, as a shaving foam for the face and neck, or just on the face to even out the skin tone.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Review: La Tulipe Sunscreen Gel

Halo halo.... Saatnya post review lagi berhubung beberapa craft project aku masih mangkrak dan karena bikinnya asal-asalan jadinya aku lupa pattern crochetnya gimana.... ( ̄(エ) ̄) Okay... Lanjut ke reviewnya deh..

Kali ini aku mau mereview La Tulipe Sunscreen Gel. Biasanya aku memakai sunblock dari dokter kulit, tapi kalau sudah habis dan tidak sempat beli lagi aku disarankan untuk memakai produk-produk dari La Tulipe. Jadinya dulu sebelum jatuh cinta sama skin care Korea aku sering menggunakan produk La Tulipe hehehe. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

1st Impression: The Skinfood Egg White Pore Foam

Hello there...

Sometimes ago I went to Surabaya to visit my brother for a few days and since I don't want to pack much I just brought some skin care samples with me so I can just discard them after. I got lots of sample and haven't had the time to try them so I usually bring them when I travels. I brought several facial wash sample and The Skinfood Egg White Pore Foam is the first one that I try.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tutorial: DIY Mineral Veil (Translucent Powder)

Actually I'm not sure what to call this tutorial since there are quite a few name for this but most of them have the DIY theme of making your own translucent powder or mineral loose powder. My initial idea on making this loose face powder is to make my face powder to have more oil control. 

Most of any available loose face powder have corn starch in it and since I have one available I just add it in my powder mixture. Since adding corn starch in the mixture will make the powder too white I add a darker color mineral foundation to the mixture. I'm gonna show the general mixture for this DIY Translucent Powder and I also gonna show you on how I make mine.

- For Powder: Baby Powder, Corn Starch
- For Color: Cocoa Powder, Powder Mineral Foundation
- Empty containert

I use my existing face loose powder that's almost runs out. Some people use baby powder but I don't want to use it since I think it's dangerous to inhale baby powder; the tiny particles could enter the lungs, possibly leading to inflammation, scarring, and disease.

After that I add corn starch in this mixture but only about 1/4 - 1/3 of the total mixture because too much corn starch because if I'm not mistaken it will lead to clogged pore. Some other recipe use the combination of corn starch and baby powder and some use pure corn starch.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Review: Suki Make-Up Face Full HD Cream


I had the time to do this post, I bought this cream several months ago because it looks interesting... #LOL totally a bad habit of mine. There are 4 product range from Suki Cream such as Suki Make-Up Moisturize C.C Cream (#01), Suki Make-Up Face Whitening Cream (#02), Suki Make-Up Face Sunscreen Cream SPF 15 (#03), and Suki Make-Up Face Full HD Cream (#04). I choose the HD Cream because at that time my BB Cream is almost runs out so this one caught my eye. I think it was about $9 (IDR 90.000).

Description (Taken from
Suki [Magic cc cream] Full HD (04)(40ml) contains high degree of oil controlling and its ingredients can perfectly cover the wrinkles, fleck or black eye, any flaws on your face, keeping a flawless, intact appearance. Full HD Cream has a similar color with the skin, can veal the flaws on the face without obviously noticed. It has a slight fragrance, which can add freshness and feeling of nature for the skins. C.C cream is stands for Corium Care Cream which can protect and repair the skins. It can even help to adjust the color of the skin to make it become white.

How to Use:
After cleansing, apply appropriate amount of the cream to the face, massage and slight slap until it absorbs.

Monday, January 7, 2013

January Giveaway


Just wanna share some giveaway that I've entered this month

Romacchiatto ft Sakura Blossom Shop Giveaway

The giveaway will ends at 13 January and I think it's for local residents of Indonesia only.

1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
Go visit here to join!!

Beautyfoodlife 100 Followers Giveaway

To celebrate her blog's 100 followers, she host a giveaway that will end at 15 January. This giveaway is for Indonesian Residence only and the prizes are..........

Milk Talk trial kit
Baking powder Pore cleansing foam travel size
Aloe moistfull skincare kit
Real Art Cleansing oil
Look at my eyes jewel BR401
2 sample BB Dation BB cream
Sample BB cream precious mineral + nymph aura volumer

Go here to join.

hurufbe{b} Giveaway

You can join this giveaway by:
1. follow instagram @hurufbe (optional)
2. follow twitter @hurufbe
3. LIKE fan page FB :
4. Write comment and gift preference

There are for gifts that you can choose, such as:

Join her giveaway here.

Asimetris Giveaway

This giveaway will end at 27 January and it's only for Indonesian Residence. There will be four winners and each winner will get a necklace of their choice. Go visit here to join.

Tutorial: Crochet Instagram Mobile Phone Case

Hello there....

On this post I want to do a tutorial or maybe a pattern explanation?? Anyway doesn't matter.. It's about how I made this Instagram Cell Phone Case. You can make the case in any case you like but in this post I'm using my Blackberry.

- steel crochet hook #6 (3.5 mm)
- local cotton yarn in light brown, dark brown, black, red, orange, yellow, green and blue.
- glue
- button.
- sewing needle

First I chain as long as the Blackberry and sc across using a light crown color..

Then I continue making sc in each ch on opposite side of foundation ch. The result should look like the picture above.

1st Impression: Skinlite Green Tea Essence Mask

I don't really like using sheet mask because I have to stood still while wearing it and it's a bother to just lay down for 20 minutes. But..... Since this was on promo of buy 2 get 1 I'm thinking that it was a pretty good bargain too... This one is $1.5 (IDR 15.000) a piece.

Skinlite Green Tea Essence Mask is useful for lifting and ultra-hydrating results. Enriched with Vitamin E, Phyto Collagen & Green Tea Extract helps lift and hydrate in 15-20 minutes. The mask has special formula that helps retain more moisture and improve elasticity and suppleness after use. It's hypo allergenic and no animal testing.

How to Use:
1. Open packet and unfold mask pulling on flaps.
2. Press gently with finger-tips to set in place over face.
3. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
4. Remove mask and massage excess product into skin. Do not rinse off.

The mask comes all folded up and drenched in essence although it doesn't drips everywhere. It has an herbally scent rather than the scent of green tea that I was expecting. I put the leftover essence inside the sachet to my neck and hands. There are many slits in this mask so I thought that it would be more adjustable but it turns out to be annoying to place on my face. It barely even cover my nose and it has those flaps for the eyes too. I'm guessing it was suppose to cover my eyes too but it turns out really annoying for me. I don't I think the mask just doesn't fit my face shape.

The first feels from this mask was that it cool and refreshing, and after 20 minutes I didn't have any reaction to the mask, no itch or anything. After I took the mask off my face feel smoother, brighter, and was more hydrated - so I guess it did a good job. Although I'm not sure about the "lifting" or skin elasticity, but indeed my face felt more hydrated and looked brighter.  

My Likes:
- has brightening and hydrating effects.
- convenient and no need to rinse.

My Dislikes:
- the mask doesn't fit my face well and it's hard to put on with the annoying slit.
- have to buy online

Where to Buy?
Visit My Online Shop 

Add me on your list too ^^

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Review: Melanox Premium Advanced Formula Whitening Serum

Sudah sekitar 2 tahun belakangan aku mulai menambahkan serum ke dalam rutinitas perawatan kulit sehari-hari, maklum umur udah di atas 1/4 abad perawatan kulitku semakin rempong dehh... Serum pertama yang aku pakai adalah The Skinfood Tea Tree Serum untuk membantu mengatasi jerawat yang menggila 2 tahun yang lalu (untung sudah berlalu....) dan karena sekarang jerawatnya sudahnya terkontrol aku mulai mencari serum lain yang dapat membantu mengurangi bekas-bekas jerawat yang membandel dan menemperl selama bertahun-tahun di kulit. Huu... Huu... kapan ilangnya nih bekas-bekas jerawat.

Sebelumnya aku sudah memakai serum lain seperti Probio C Vitamin C Serum dan Bion-C Vitamin C Serum. Untuk Probio C aku suka namun serumnya kurang melembabkan sedangkan serum Bion-C aku suka bangettttt, cuma dulu dapetnya aja gratisan jadi gag tau deh sekarang belinya kemana. Lumayan dulu dapetnya 2 botol hi..hi... 

Serum Melanox ini aku beli karena ada Weekly Specials di Guardian seharga IDR 129.900 untuk 2 botol serum kalo gag salah inget. Lumayan banget sih menurutku promo ini karena setahu aku Whitening Serum itu harganya selalu di atas IDR 100.000 dan harga serum ini aslinya juga sekitar segitu deh. Pekejingnya lumayan terlihat mewah juga berupa box berwarna emas dan isinya 15 ml.

Serum ini mengandung Retinol (derivat Resorcinol), Lactic Acid, dan Vitamin E yang bekerja sinergis dan intensif mencerahkan & menyamarkan noda hitam, mempertahankan kecerahan kulit wajah, dan menyamarkan garis kerut akibat penuaan dini pada kulit sekaligus melembapkan sehingga wajah tampak lebih putih serta halus. Serum ini mengklaim mampu memudarkan noda gelap akibat bekas jerawat,age spot, dan pigmentasi akibat efek buruk sinar matahari.

Kemasan serum ini terlihat apik dalam botol plastik tebal berbentuk persegi, di samping kemasan terdapat keterangan pabrik produksi, tanggal pembuatan, tanggal kadaluwarsa dan nomor POM.

1st Impression: Ovale Facial Mask (Lemon, Cucumber and Tomato)


Kali ini aku mau ngepost tentang 3 Ovale Facial Mask varian lemon, cucumber dan tomato. Sebetulnya udah sering sih liat masker ini setiap ke supermarket tapi entah kenapa kurang berminat aja buat mencobanya.  Namun pada suatu hari saat sedang mengantri yang cukup panjang di salah satu supermarket termurce di Jogja si Ovale Facial Mask terus terlintas dalam jarak pandangku. Akhirnya aku menyerah dan membeli macam-macam varian berhubung harganya cukup murah juga, kalo gag salah sekitar 5 ribuan. Varian lemon, cucumber dan tomat hanya tersedia ukuran sachet sementara varian yam bean ada ukuran tube yang lebih besar. Mungkin yang yam bean paling favorit kali ya? Aku beli varian yam bean yang ukuran besar jadinya mau direview belakangan.

Ovale Facial Mask Lemon

Untuk harganya yang murmer ukuran sachet dari masker ini cukup besar juga loh. Satu sachet bisa aku pakai sampai 3 kali, buat yang lebih irit makenya mungkin bisa sampai 4 kali pakai. Masker ini juga mudah digunakan karena tinggal oles-oles aja ke wajah yang sudah dibersihkan kemudian setelah 15 menit dibilas dengan air hangat.

Ovale Facial Mask Lemon lebih diperuntukkan untuk kulit yang mengalami masalah jerawat, selain diperkaya dengan ekstrak Lemon masker ini juga mengandung vitamin A, C, dan E. Masker ini juga mengandung ekstrak Ganggang untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit. Masker ini mampu membantu membersihkan wajah, mengencangkan dang menyegarkan kulit, serta perawatan jerawat. 

Crochet Octopus Necklace

I'm sure some of you would think that octopus is kinda weird for a necklace, but you'll be surprised on how many people think that my necklace is interesting. I think it's cute, edgy, and weird but that's why I like it. I made the necklace a few years back and forget where I get the pattern from. Fortunately I finally find the blog where I get this pattern form. The original pattern for this necklace is called Octopus Neck Charm and it was created by Midnight Knitter.

My necklace is a bit different with since I prefer to use chain for the necklace and only make the octopus as a pendant. I also don't have a bulkier yarn so I use a slightly smaller hook (3 mm) than the original one which use 3.5 mm hook. The necklace is really quick and easy to make and I think it would look cute on childrens too! If you want to make this lovely octopus charm you can visit here.

Visit my online shop Pernak Pernik Sekar if you like ^^